Posts Tagged ‘training’

This clip was taken at the recent ‘No-Fail Protocol’ workshop in April 2010. It is a classic ‘Name Amnesia’ piece, but what is different here is that I am using ideomotor phenomena to set it up (ideomotoer to set up ideocognitive).

The reason for this choice was that this volunteer had already shown great competence in ideomotor phenomena, so it made good sense to utilise this competence in setting up the ‘amnesia’.

I need to say something about why this kind of amnesia is not really amnesia at all, but I’ll save that for the ext post.

Enjoy the vid!

I’d like to tip the HMI for the finger spreading idea (if you haven’t checked out their free hypnosis course, it is well worth doing so).

OK, after so many requests and enquiries, I have decided that I will do it – the Hypnosis Without Trance live workshop!

Before I tell you about it, I’d like to say how much I appreciate all the positive feedback and encouragement I have received by email and by ‘phone as well as here on the blog – I hoped that people would like it but I could never have guessed just how well received it has been.  Thank you to everyone who has jumped on board!

The workshop is going to be a little experimental (but very cool!) because it will be the first time I have taught this stuff to a live group, and for this reason I have decided to limit both the number of attendees and the price!

So if you are up for it, and if you move fast enough you are going to get yourself a true bargain – but you need to move fast because it is happening soon:

Saturday 5th December in Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire UK.

Yes, that is a little less than 3 weeks time! If you want to find out more, please visit:

If you know you want a place already, I recommend that you get in and book ASAP; in the 3 weeks since launching the blog, I have had over 350 sign ups and a ton of people requesting this training and I am only be admitting 20 people!

So do act now if you want one of the places.

Many thanks once again, and I am looking forward to meeting you!

All the very best
